The work of the charity are achieved by individuals who give their time, skills and energy to enable the charity to deliver its purpose. Our volunteer positions are flexible: regular few hours/week, part time or full time. Our volunteers are excited to work with us, in their words, it is an opportunity to use our skills and knowledge, developed over years for a cause we deeply care about’.
Volunteers make a remarkable difference to the lives of our service users by:
1. Providing emotional, practical and professional support
2. Offering skills and knowledge that enable our organisation to extend its support and services.
3. Helping to raise funds for the work of the charity.
4. Supporting our office teams to execute our campaigns, projects and administrative works
5. Befriending our service users, and helping them feel stronger, understood and able to move forward with their lives.
6. Organising and executing trainings, workshops, mentoring and seminars.
Please contact us to ask for application form or make a request for a list of available positions.